XI Congreso Peruderm 2024

Hotel Costa del Sol Arequipa ,
Arequipa (PE)

XI Congreso Peruderm: the trade show

"Peruvian Group of Dermatological, Aesthetic and Laser Therapeutics" (PERUDERM), an entity with legal status under private law constituted under the modality of a non-profit civil association.

Our entity is made up of dermatologists who seek the constant development of the specialty through training and scientific research in the field of aesthetic dermatology, laser and surgery.

We have been established, with the aim of promoting the continuous professional improvement of its associates and other colleagues in the specialty, encouraging the exchange of ideas and knowledge through the organization and participation in various activities, courses, congresses, seminars and any other scientific event. academic and/or research.

Promote constant updating on topics of the specialty by carrying out activities of aesthetic dermatology, laser and surgery to encourage the continuous professional improvement of its associates through the exchange of ideas and knowledge through the organization and participation in courses, congresses, seminars and any other scientific, academic and research event.

XI Congreso Peruderm editions

XI Congreso Peruderm 2024 From to Hotel Costa del Sol Arequipa