Wine Paris 2022

Paris Porte de Versailles , Place de la Porte de Versailles 1
Paris (FR)

This event has been cancelled and will no longer be held

Wine Paris: the trade show

For the first time ever, Paris becomes the global epicentre of the wine world by hosting WINE PARIS. This landmark event, born from the fusion of Vinisud and VinoVision Paris, marks a collective approach by our marketing boards to create the first major international event for the wine sector in 2019. Their single-minded ambition is to promote the uniqueness and

diversity of our wine regions and winegrowers; to welcome the wine regions of the world; to bring together the largest audience of producers and buyers; and to encourage business by choosing a strategic and inspiring location for all industry members gathered in the heart of the French capital.

Event profile Wine Paris

  • Industries: Wine
  • Frequency: Sólo una vez
  • Scope: Nacional

Wine Paris editions

Wine Paris 2021 From to Paris Porte de Versailles (VIPARIS)
Wine Paris 2020 From to Paris Porte de Versailles (VIPARIS)
Wine Paris 2019 From to Paris Porte de Versailles (VIPARIS)