Medellin Fashion 2020
From to
Plaza Mayor Medellín
Medellín, Colombia
Medellín, Colombia
Marketing, Menswear, Moda Donna, Urbanwear, Clothes, Swimwear, Clothing textiles, Urban fashion, Fashion Complements, Textiles, Fashion accessories, Wedding footwear, Children's footwear, Designer shoes, Men's footwear, Clothes making machines, Children's wear, Skin clothes, Leather clothes, Women's footwear, Fashion designers, Sportswear, Sport fashion, Costume jewellery, Fashion catwalks, Children's fashion, Fashion

Fiesta y Boda 2020
From to
Feria Valencia
Valencia, Spain
Valencia, Spain
Brides, Clothes, Wedding footwear, Event organization, Groomswear, Events, Wedding

Sevilla de Boda 2020
From to
FIBES - Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos de Sevilla
Seville, Spain
Seville, Spain
Advertising gifts, Clothes, Clocks & watches, Bride, Wedding footwear, Event organization, Groomswear, Wedding fashion, Party, Craft, Jewellery, Wedding

DeNuvis 2020
From to
Fira de Lleida
Lleida, Spain
Lleida, Spain
Bride, Wedding footwear, Event organization, Groomswear, Hairdressing, Wedding

VigoBodas 2020
From to
IFEVI - Instituto Ferial de Vigo
Vigo, Spain
Vigo, Spain
Brides, Wedding footwear, Event organization, Groomswear, Events, Wedding

De Boda Valladolid 2020
From to
Feria de Valladolid
Valladolid, Spain
Valladolid, Spain
Bride, Wedding footwear, Wedding dress, Event organization, Wedding fashion, Wedding

LoveStory Fiera Sposi 2020
Chiete, Italy
From to
Chiete, Italy
Catering, Bride, Wedding footwear, Old cars, Events, Wedding

Expo Tu Boda Puebla November 2020
From to
Centro de Convenciones de Puebla
Puebla, Mexico
Puebla, Mexico
Brides, Travel, Photography, Wedding footwear, Wedding fashion, Wedding

Roma Sposa 2020
From to
Palazzo dei congressi Nuvola di Fuksas
Rome, Italy
Rome, Italy
Accessories, Wedding dresses, Wedding footwear, Wedding dress, Groomswear, Wedding

Fiere Sposi Mantova 2020
From to
Immobiliare Fiera di Brescia
Brescia, Italy
Brescia, Italy
Brides, Wedding footwear, Wedding dress, Groomswear, Wedding

Le Salon du Mariage - Marions-Nous! October 2020
From to
Paris Porte de Versailles (VIPARIS)
Paris, France
Paris, France
Brides, Bride, Wedding footwear, Wedding dress, Groomswear, Wedding

Celebra Málaga 2020
Malaga, Spain
From to
Malaga, Spain
Bride, Wedding footwear, Wedding dress, Event organization, Groomswear, Events, Wedding

MilanoSposi - Fiera dei prodotti e dei servizi per il matrimonio 2020
From to
Parco Esposizioni Novegro
Milan, Italy
Milan, Italy
Bride, Wedding footwear, Groomswear, Wedding

Fiere Sposi October 2020
From to
Padua, Italy
Padua, Italy
Wedding dresses, Travel, Photography, Wedding footwear, Wedding

Ferrara Sposi 2020
From to
Bologna Fiere
Bologna, Italy
Bologna, Italy
Wedding footwear, Wedding dress, Event organization, Groomswear, Wedding fashion, Wedding