Calendar Training Trade Shows in Germany

From to
Karlsruher Messe und Kongress GmbH
Karlsruhe, Germany
Karlsruhe, Germany
Training, Business, Human resources, Information technology, Education, Telecommunications

Akademika June 2021
Augsburg, Germany
Augsburg, Germany
Training, Employment, Electrical engineering, Universities, Education

BIM - Berufs Info Messe 2021
From to
Messe Offenburg-Ortenau
Offenburg, Germany
Offenburg, Germany
Training, Fishing, Business, Agriculture, Drinks, Farming, Human resources, Meal, Gardening, Education

EINSTIEG Frankfurt 2021
From to
Messe Frankfurt
Frankfurt, Germany
Frankfurt, Germany
Consumer goods, Training, Business, Human resources, Education

AUFSCHWUNG Messe und Kongress 2021
Industrie- und Handelskammer
Frankfurt, Germany
Frankfurt, Germany
Training, Education

EINSTIEG Köln 2021
From to
Koeln Messe
Cologne, Germany
Cologne, Germany
Clothes, Training, Business, Human resources, Education

From to
Karlsruher Messe und Kongress GmbH
Karlsruhe, Germany
Karlsruhe, Germany
Training, Business, Human resources, Information technology, Education, Telecommunications

KarriereStart 2021
From to
Neue Messe Dresden
Dresden, Germany
Dresden, Germany
Training, Business, Human resources, Education

Opti 2021
From to
Messe München
Munich, Germany
Munich, Germany
Marketing, Training, Eye care products, Eyewear, Optics

Akademika November 2020
Augsburg, Germany
From to
Augsburg, Germany
Training, Employment, Electrical engineering, Universities, Education

Marktplatz: ARBEIT SÜDBADEN 2020
From to
Freiburg Messe
Freiburg, Germany
Freiburg, Germany
Training, Business, Human resources, Education