Sposami, Salone del Matrimonio 2024

Sicilia Fiera , Via Cardinale Dusmet 2
Catania (IT)

Sposami, Salone del Matrimonio: the trade show

Sposami is back in Catania! A wedding party lasting 9 days with trends, news, competitions, shows, parades of wedding dresses, show cooking and a lot of cave again!

January 2015 Edition:

The marriage of love between "Sposami", a Sicilian salon recognized nationally and the public of future spouses, continues; a promise that is renewed every year, a journey full of details that will tell once again, from 17 to 25 January 2015, at Le Ciminiere di Catania,  new stories of young lovers struggling with the preparations for the wedding.

After the tenth anniversary edition that broke all records, Barbara Mirabella's Expo  is ready to kick off the 11th edition with a wealth of news, surprises and the launch of glamorous trends that have always distinguished the organization of the event.

Not a simple Salon of the Bride and the House, this  first appointment of 2015 for the future spouses of Southern Italy, but a showcase for 200 selected exhibitors,  prize competitions with the possibility of winning almost a wedding at no cost,  exceptional guests and a full program of events and shows. These are the ingredients of Sposami which, as for several years now, will travel in parallel also between Social Networks and on the web. Goodies, curiosities, real-time updates  from the Fair, possibility to download the free invitation to enter for free ... all through the site, www.sposamiexpo.it and Social Networks, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram.

Next edition Sposami, Salone del Matrimonio

Sposami, Salone del Matrimonio editions

Sposami, Salone del Matrimonio 2024 From to
Sposami, Salone del Matrimonio 2024 From to SiciliaFiera
Sposami, Salone del Matrimonio 2023 From to Centro Fieristico le Ciminiere
Sposami, Salone del Matrimonio 2022 From to Centro Fieristico le Ciminiere