What´s new for Spielwarenmesse 2020?
At the Spielwarenmesse 2019, several areas were already restructured in response to the changing market environment. The new product group Electronic Toys quickly became firmly established in its first year. We also successfully merged the product segments Model Railways and Model Construction. Both moves represent significant changes that will continue to cement their position going forward. We’re constantly tracking the market and checking it against our concept so that we can respond to the evolving needs of our target groups, as and when required.
The event presents a multifaceted program with workshops at Spielwarenmesse and special events. Which of the activities do you think are a must for the visitor or which of them do you highlight?
With more than a million products on show, there’s plenty to be discovered at the Spielwarenmesse. Each segment has its own special features. Hall 3A, for example, is all about on-trend products, new ideas, innovative exhibitors and knowledge transfer. This is where trade visitors can experience the latest Spielwarenmesse trends “Toys for Future”, “Digital goes Physical” and “Be You!” which are presented together with related products. The New Exhibitor Center and the “Innovation made in Germany” pavilion reflect the innovative strength of ambitious and aspiring enterprises. Experts at the daily Toy Business Forum shed light on topics currently affecting the industry. Hall 4A is under the banner of the latest toy innovations, hosting the product group Electronic Toys and the Tech2Play activity area, both of which attract large crowds.
What are the advantages of exhibiting at Spielwarenmesse?
The Spielwarenmesse is THE central hub of the toy world. It’s the world’s leading fair and therefore the most important event of the year for meeting key decision-makers. Exhibitors are given the unique opportunity to make a statement in the marketplace by presenting their products to the entire industry as well as their competitors. Not only do they benefit from appearing in a perfect exhibition environment, but they also profit from the international composition of the trade visitors and their decision-making powers. 32,000 of the 70,000 visitors and buyers only ever go to this one event. We provide valuable support through our extensive range of services, transforming the fair into an efficient sales and ordering tool.
What is the exhibitor profile?
Given that the whole toy world flocks to Nuremberg, the composition of the exhibitors is extremely international. For anyone wanting to experience the ‘spirit of play’, attending the Spielwarenmesse is an absolute must. For 31 percent of our exhibitors, the Spielwarenmesse is the only event they show at in the year. The mix of market leaders and start-ups results in a uniquely diverse selection of products, providing visitors with a comprehensive overview of the market. This, in turn, underlines the status of the world’s leading toy fair as an important networking and market platform.
What is the visitor profile? Can anybody attend Spielwarenmesse 2020? How to register?
Every year, we welcome the Spielwarenmesse thousands of trade visitors from more than 130 countries and from all relevant target groups. They include buyers from the retail and wholesale trade as well as decision-makers from trading companies. The core target group comprises buyers from the specialist and independent trade. The Spielwarenmesse is a trade-only fair, which means that only trade visitors are allowed to attend. This includes anyone over 16 years of age who has a commercial interest in toys or other product groups represented at the fair. Visitors can qualify, register and buy their tickets online on the web page.
Can you give us some participation results from the last edition? How many visitors and exhibitors attend? From how many different nationalities were present?
In 2019, the Spielwarenmesse celebrated its 70th anniversary, once again underscoring its unique standing on the global toy market among both exhibitors and visitors. 2,886 companies from 68 countries presented their products to 68,500 trade visitors and buyers from 131 nations.