Software Trade Shows in Peru

Software Trade Shows in Peru. Calendar Software Trade Shows in major cities of Peru

Calendar Software Trade Shows in Peru

From to
Centro de Convenciones Jockey Plaza
Lima, Peru
Adhesives, Accessories, Surface treatment, Forest industries, Wood working industries, Furniture, Cutters, Software, Wood machinery, Wood finish, Furniture accessories, Carpentry, Machine-tools
From to
Centro de Convenciones Jockey Plaza
Lima, Peru
Adhesives, Accessories, Surface treatment, Forest industries, Wood working industries, Furniture, Cutters, Software, Wood machinery, Wood finish, Furniture accessories, Carpentry, Machine-tools
Expo Tech Innovation Lima 2020
Expo Tech Innovation Lima 2020
From to
Centro de convenciones de Lima
Lima, Peru
Robotics, Software, Telephony, Financial holdings, Technology
Expo Tech Innovation Lima 2019
Expo Tech Innovation Lima 2019
From to
Centro de convenciones de Lima
Lima, Peru
Robotics, Software, Telephony, Financial holdings, Technology
FITECNO Perú 2011
FITECNO Perú 2011
From to

Lima, Peru
Software, New technologies, Equipment and technologies, Technological solutions, Security technology, Telecommunications, Computer science, Technology, Services