Lineapelle London 2020
From to
Ham Yard Hotel
London, United Kingdom
London, United Kingdom
Shoes, Skins, Leather goods, Fashion

Lineapelle February 2020
From to
Fiera Milano Rho
Milan, Italy
Milan, Italy
Accessories, Leather, Leather items, Skins industry, Skins, Leather goods, Fashion

Lineapelle October 2019
From to
Fiera Milano Rho
Milan, Italy
Milan, Italy
Accessories, Leather, Leather items, Skins industry, Skins, Leather goods, Fashion

Lineapelle February 2019
From to
Fiera Milano Rho
Milan, Italy
Milan, Italy
Accessories, Leather, Leather items, Skins industry, Skins, Leather goods, Fashion

Lineapelle September 2018
From to
Fiera Milano Rho
Milan, Italy
Milan, Italy
Accessories, Leather, Leather items, Skins industry, Skins, Leather goods, Fashion

Lineapelle February 2018
From to
Fiera Milano Rho
Milan, Italy
Milan, Italy
Accessories, Leather, Leather items, Skins industry, Skins, Leather goods, Fashion

Lineapelle October 2017
From to
Fiera Milano Rho
Milan, Italy
Milan, Italy
Accessories, Leather, Leather items, Skins industry, Skins, Leather goods, Fashion

Lineapelle February 2017
From to
Fiera Milano Rho
Milan, Italy
Milan, Italy
Accessories, Leather, Leather items, Skins industry, Skins, Leather goods, Fashion

Lineapelle September 2016
From to
Fiera Milano Rho
Milan, Italy
Milan, Italy
Accessories, Leather, Leather items, Skins industry, Skins, Leather goods, Fashion