Salon Studyrama de l'informatique et des nouvelles technologies 2012

Paris (FR)

This event has been cancelled and will no longer be held

Salon Studyrama de l'informatique et des nouvelles technologies: the trade show

The Studyrama Trade Show of the Computer Science and New Technologies is the occasion to discover many formations, from high school to postgraduates.

Public and private organisms gather at this trade show to get informed, assessed and guided towards the most appropriate formation to choose their future job.  

Next edition Salon Studyrama de l'informatique et des nouvelles technologies

Salon Studyrama de l'informatique et des nouvelles technologies editions

Salon Studyrama de l'informatique et des nouvelles technologies 2012
Salon Studyrama de l'informatique et des nouvelles technologies 2011 Espace Champerret
Salon Studyrama de l'informatique et des nouvelles technologies 2010 Espace Champerret