Rotary African Summit (RAS) 2020

Marrakech (MA)

This event has been cancelled and will no longer be held

Rotary African Summit (RAS): the trade show

It all started with the late Sam Owori, the late RIPE and with the advent of the African zone. He had taken the initiative to meet us Rotarians from Africa in Marrakech to anticipate, discuss and act. We have reached a turning point where we must meet to know each other, discuss the situation of our continent and the role that the Rotary can and must play as an actor in civil society and to design and build a sustainable strategy and a vision of what tomorrow's African rotary will look like: a strong Rotary in terms of numbers and quality; a Rotary present in the field; and a Rotary acting and effective.

Event profile Rotary African Summit (RAS)

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Rotary African Summit (RAS) editions

Rotary African Summit (RAS) 2019 From to
Rotary African Summit (RAS) 2018 From to