Plants Trade Shows in Italy Page 5

Plants Trade Shows in Italy. Calendar Plants Trade Shows in major cities of Italy Page 5

Calendar Plants Trade Shows in Italy

Naturalmente in Fiera 2012
Naturalmente in Fiera 2012
From to
Cesena Fiera
Rimini, Italy
Horticulture, Plants, Garden plants, Animal exhibition, Fruit, Gardening, Leisure
Florexpo 2012
Florexpo 2012
From to
Fiera Roma
Rome, Italy
Garden furnishings, Plants, Garden plants, Garden design, Gardening machinery, Gardening
Mondo Bonsai 2012
Mondo Bonsai 2012
From to
Fiera Millenaria di Gonzaga
Verona, Italy
Plants, Gardening
Seminat 2012
Seminat 2012
From to
Piacenza Expo
Piacenza, Italy
Plants, Garden plants, Gardening equipment, Garden decoration, Flowers, Gardening, Agricultural
Florexpo 2012
Florexpo 2012
From to
Fiera Roma
Rome, Italy
Garden furnishings, Plants, Garden plants, Garden design, Gardening machinery, Gardening
Florexpo 2012
Florexpo 2012
From to
Fiera Roma
Rome, Italy
Garden furnishings, Plants, Garden plants, Garden design, Gardening machinery, Gardening
Naturalmente in Fiera 2011
Naturalmente in Fiera 2011
From to
Cesena Fiera
Rimini, Italy
Horticulture, Plants, Garden plants, Animal exhibition, Fruit, Gardening, Leisure
EuroFlora 2011
EuroFlora 2011
From to
Fiera di Genova
Genova, Italy
Fishing, Agriculture, Plants, Farming, Garden, Garden decoration, Flowers, Gardening
Mondo Bonsai 2011
Mondo Bonsai 2011
From to
Fiera Millenaria di Gonzaga
Verona, Italy
Plants, Gardening
Seminat 2011
Seminat 2011
From to
Piacenza Expo
Piacenza, Italy
Plants, Garden plants, Gardening equipment, Garden decoration, Flowers, Gardening, Agricultural
Florexpo 2011
Florexpo 2011
Fiera Roma
Rome, Italy
Garden furnishings, Plants, Garden plants, Garden design, Gardening machinery, Gardening
Florexpo 2011
Florexpo 2011
From to
Fiera Roma
Rome, Italy
Garden furnishings, Plants, Garden plants, Garden design, Gardening machinery, Gardening
EuroFlora 2006
EuroFlora 2006
From to
Fiera di Genova
Genova, Italy
Fishing, Agriculture, Plants, Farming, Garden, Garden decoration, Flowers, Gardening