Piscine Middle east 2021

Eurexpo Lyon , Boulevard de l'Europe
Chassieu (FR)

This event has been cancelled and will no longer be held

Piscine Middle east: the trade show

Piscine Middle East, the leading event for the pool and spa industry in the MENA region. The show introduces pool and spa builders, sauna, hammas installers, retailers, distributors, but also general building contractors, real estate promoters, architects, private collectivities…  to the latest technologies and modern innovations in terms of safety, cleanliness and pool and spa construction techniques.

Piscine Middle east editions

Piscine Middle east 2021 From to EUREXPO - Centre de Conventions et d'Expositions de Lyon
Piscine Middle east 2018 From to Dubai World Trade Centre
Piscine Middle east 2017 From to Dubai World Trade Centre
Piscine Middle east 2016 From to Dubai World Trade Centre