Metalurgia - Feira e Congresso de Tecnologia para Fundição, Forjaria, Alumínio e Serviços 2025

Expoville ,

Metalurgia - Feira e Congresso de Tecnologia para Fundição, Forjaria, Alumínio e Serviços: the trade show

 Metallurgy is the only fair to bring together not only exhibitors directly linked to foundry, but also several that encompass metallurgy , such as: automation and robots, industry 4.0, heat treatment and welding, recycling and PPE.

Companies coming from various regions of Brazil and abroad, take advantage of Metallurgy to present to the Brazilian market, high-tech launches, such as 3D printing on metal, Casting 4.0 and impregnation of metals. In 2018 there were 58 new exhibitors from 46 cities.

All areas involving metallurgy in one of the largest poles of foundry technology.

Next edition Metalurgia - Feira e Congresso de Tecnologia para Fundição, Forjaria, Alumínio e Serviços

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Metalurgia - Feira e Congresso de Tecnologia para Fundição, Forjaria, Alumínio e Serviços editions

Metalurgia - Feira e Congresso de Tecnologia para Fundição, Forjaria, Alumínio e Serviços 2025 From to Joinville
Metalurgia - Feira e Congresso de Tecnologia para Fundição, Forjaria, Alumínio e Serviços 2023 From to Expoville