mecha-tronika : the trade show
ECHA-TRONIKA show will take place, biennial exhibition devoted to the intelligences of industrial production.
Synthesis of electronics and computer science applied to mechanics, mechatronics allows optimizing the managerial component of automated cycles and logistics, simulating processes and results of a processing, supervising the production chain and its quality, raising the standards of environmental sustainability and of work: all factors that determine the company’s performance and therefore its competitiveness.
The new exhibition, organized by EFIM-Ente Fiere Italiane Macchine and Fiera Milano collects the inheritance of BIMEC and BIAS and displays the best and most innovative solutions applicable to almost all industrial sectors: from automotive to machinery and equipment for metalworking, from electrical engineering-electronics to pharmaceuticals, from cosmetics to food , from packaging to chemistry, from optics to transportation and telecommunications.