Machine tools Trade Shows in Italy Page 2

Machine tools Trade Shows in Italy. Calendar Machine tools Trade Shows in major cities of Italy Page 2

Calendar Machine tools Trade Shows in Italy

Mac Legno Sud 2015
Mac Legno Sud 2015
From to
Arezzo Fiere e Congressi s.r.l.
Florence, Italy
Building materials, Furniture, Machine tools, Industrial equipment, Industrial fairs, Machine-tools
Autopromotec 2015
Autopromotec 2015
From to
Fiera di Bologna
Bologna, Italy
Automobile, automobile engineering, Machine tools, Dealer, Car parts
Mac Legno Sud 2014
Mac Legno Sud 2014
From to
Arezzo Fiere e Congressi s.r.l.
Florence, Italy
Building materials, Furniture, Machine tools, Industrial equipment, Industrial fairs, Machine-tools
Mac Legno Sud 2014
Mac Legno Sud 2014
From to
Arezzo Fiere e Congressi s.r.l.
Florence, Italy
Building materials, Furniture, Machine tools, Industrial equipment, Industrial fairs, Machine-tools
Mac Legno Sud 2014
Mac Legno Sud 2014
From to
Arezzo Fiere e Congressi s.r.l.
Florence, Italy
Building materials, Furniture, Machine tools, Industrial equipment, Industrial fairs, Machine-tools
Autopromotec 2013
Autopromotec 2013
From to
Fiera di Bologna
Bologna, Italy
Automobile, automobile engineering, Machine tools, Dealer, Car parts
Mac Legno Sud 2013
Mac Legno Sud 2013
From to
Arezzo Fiere e Congressi s.r.l.
Florence, Italy
Building materials, Furniture, Machine tools, Industrial equipment, Industrial fairs, Machine-tools
Mac Legno Sud 2012
Mac Legno Sud 2012
From to
Arezzo Fiere e Congressi s.r.l.
Florence, Italy
Building materials, Furniture, Machine tools, Industrial equipment, Industrial fairs, Machine-tools
Autopromotec 2012
Autopromotec 2012
From to
Fiera di Bologna
Bologna, Italy
Automobile, automobile engineering, Machine tools, Dealer, Car parts
BI-MU Mediterranea 2012
BI-MU Mediterranea 2012
Fiera del Levante
Bari, Italy
Automation, Robots, Machine tools, Machine-tools
Autopromotec 2011
Autopromotec 2011
From to
Fiera di Bologna
Bologna, Italy
Automobile, automobile engineering, Machine tools, Dealer, Car parts
BI-MU Mediterranea 2010
BI-MU Mediterranea 2010
From to
Fiera del Levante
Bari, Italy
Automation, Robots, Machine tools, Machine-tools
EMO Milano 2009
EMO Milano 2009
From to

Milan, Italy
Security, Automation, Machine tools, Industrial machinery, Natural Environment
Autopromotec 2009
Autopromotec 2009
From to
Fiera di Bologna
Bologna, Italy
Automobile, automobile engineering, Machine tools, Dealer, Car parts
BI-MU Mediterranea 2008
BI-MU Mediterranea 2008
From to
Fiera del Levante
Bari, Italy
Automation, Robots, Machine tools, Machine-tools