Kortrijk Xpo

Kortrijk Xpo

Kortrijk Xpo Doorniksesteenweg 216
Kortrijk (BE)

Kortrijk Xpo is centrally located in Europe, in the middle of the triangle made up of London, Amsterdam and Paris. Xpo is easily reached by car, public transport as well as by airplane. The major strong suit of Kortrijk Xpo is that its exhibition grounds make up a highly professional environment, offering friendly service with the customer taking centre stage at all times. With its 38,000 m², Kortrijk Xpo may be comparatively small but it is big on everything else. The 4-star Meeting Center offers the most modern meeting and assembly facilities for the business community in the whole of South West Flanders and far beyond. With its 11 room combinations, excellent acoustics, daylight and air-conditioning, Kortrijk Xpo Meeting Center is the perfect location to stage congresses and seminars.

How to get here ?

Kortrijk Xpo
Doorniksesteenweg 216 Kortrijk (BE)

Next events in Kortrijk Xpo

Sign2Com 2025
Sign2Com 2025
From to
Kortrijk Xpo
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Marketing, Design, Technology
Anido 2026
Anido 2026
From to
Kortrijk Xpo
Kortrijk, Belgium
Hobby, Gardening, Do it yourself, Leisure
From to
Kortrijk Xpo
Kortrijk, Belgium
Gourmet food, Drinks, Meal, Food