Kitchen Trade Shows in Spain Page 3

Kitchen Trade Shows in Spain. Calendar Kitchen Trade Shows in major cities of Spain Page 3

Calendar Kitchen Trade Shows in Spain

ExtreGusta 2013
ExtreGusta 2013
From to
Institución Ferial de Cáceres - IFECA
Cáceres, Spain
Hotels, Restaurants, Gastronomy, Enogastronomy, Kitchen, Food
Firatast 2012
Firatast 2012
From to
Recinte Firal de Girona
Girona, Spain
Gastronomy, Delicatessen, Gourmet food, Kitchen, Food, Hotel industry
Feria de la Cuchillería 2012
Feria de la Cuchillería 2012
From to
Palacio de Congresos de Albacete
Albacete, Spain
Crafts, Household items, Kitchen equipment, Kitchen, Home
Tecnotast 2012
Tecnotast 2012
From to
Recinte Firal de Girona
Girona, Spain
Gastronomy, Food technology, Kitchen equipment, Basic Food, Kitchen, Hotel industry
ExtreGusta 2012
ExtreGusta 2012
From to
Institución Ferial de Cáceres - IFECA
Cáceres, Spain
Hotels, Restaurants, Gastronomy, Enogastronomy, Kitchen, Food
Teruel Gusto Mudéjar 2012
Teruel Gusto Mudéjar 2012
From to
Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos de Teruel
Teruel, Spain
Tourism Organisms, Gastronomy, Drinks, Basic Food, Kitchen, Food, Tourism
Ibercocina 2012
Ibercocina 2012
From to
Feria de Zaragoza
Zaragoza, Spain
Household appliances, Furniture, Kitchen equipment, Kitchen furniture, Kitchen, Furnishings
Firatast 2011
Firatast 2011
From to
Recinte Firal de Girona
Girona, Spain
Gastronomy, Delicatessen, Gourmet food, Kitchen, Food, Hotel industry
Tecnotast 2011
Tecnotast 2011
From to
Recinte Firal de Girona
Girona, Spain
Gastronomy, Food technology, Kitchen equipment, Basic Food, Kitchen, Hotel industry
HostelCat 2011
HostelCat 2011
From to
Reus, Spain
Hotels, Restaurants, Tourism Organisms, Gastronomy, Kitchen, Hotel industry
Feria de la Cuchillería 2011
Feria de la Cuchillería 2011
From to
Palacio de Congresos de Albacete
Albacete, Spain
Crafts, Household items, Kitchen equipment, Kitchen, Home
Millesime Weekend 2011
Millesime Weekend 2011
From to
Feria Valencia
Valencia, Spain
Restaurants, Catering, Basic Food, Cellar, Kitchen, Food, Wine
HostelCat 2011
HostelCat 2011
From to
Reus, Spain
Hotels, Restaurants, Tourism Organisms, Gastronomy, Kitchen, Hotel industry
ExtreGusta 2011
ExtreGusta 2011
From to
Institución Ferial de Cáceres - IFECA
Cáceres, Spain
Hotels, Restaurants, Gastronomy, Enogastronomy, Kitchen, Food