Inoga 2016

Messe Erfurt , Gothaer Straße 34
Erfurt (DE)

This event has been cancelled and will no longer be held

Inoga: the trade show

Inoga, the international Trade Fair for the Hotel, Catering and Hospitality Sector with IKA/Culinary Olympics. The trade fair concept of the inoga has been improved in tight cooperation with our advisory board. For the first time there will be an exhibition area with exclusive admission for registered professional visitors.  In doing so we are fulfilling a request that our exhibitors had asked for.

Inoga editions

Inoga 2016 From to Messe Erfurt
Inoga 2014 From to Messe Erfurt
Inoga 2012 From to Messe Erfurt
Inoga 2010 From to Messe Erfurt