Growing Smiles 2024

Corso Unità d'Italia 40
Torino (IT)

Growing Smiles: the trade show

  The first international congress on early treatment with clear aligners.

Internationally renowned speakers will not simply succeed each other on different topics, but will interact as main actors in a story with a logical thread, led by the two moderators, Dr. Matteo Reverdito and Dr. Eliana Alemanno, expert pediatric orthodontists.

In this way, the public will be accompanied along a training path, making the event as effective and attractive as a course.

The protagonist of the story will be the child, on his path of growth towards adolescence and adulthood, and the audience will have the pleasure of being accompanied on this journey by the two presenters and brought to the heart of the main themes by the guest speakers.

Growing Smiles editions

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