Go Plast 2009

Eurexpo Lyon , Boulevard de l'Europe
Chassieu (FR)

This event has been cancelled and will no longer be held

Go Plast: the trade show

Go Plast is fair Plastics and Chemicals Industry in France. This is the only plastic Fair in France. Go Plast allows updating and sharing of information, communication between professionals, new contacts, orders, etc.

The main objective Go Plast aims to provide contacts, information, new people and new ideas both exhibitors and guests. In short, the fair aims to trade efficiency for customers.

On this basis, the visibility of the fair on the international scene is valued. The fair is, among others, the following items: plastic raw material, raw material compounds, additives, machinery and equipment for plastics processing.

Event profile Go Plast

  • Frequency: trienal
  • Scope: Local

Go Plast editions

Go Plast 2009 From to Eurexpo Lyon
Go Plast 2007 From to Angers Parc Expo