Furniture for restaurants Trade Shows Page 7

32 Furniture for restaurants Trade Shows. Furniture for restaurants Trade Shows en 16 países y 647 sectores relacionados con Furniture for restaurants Trade Shows Page 7

Agecotel 2010
Agecotel 2010
From to
Palais des Expositions de Nice
Nice, France
Hotels, Restaurants, Plastic industry, Furniture for restaurants, Services for hotels and restaurants, Restoration, Cinema, Hotel industry
Feria del Mueble de Zaragoza 2010
Feria del Mueble de Zaragoza 2010
From to
Feria de Zaragoza
Zaragoza, Spain
Home decoration, Garden furnishings, Furniture for restaurants, Office furniture, Bathroom furniture, Kitchen furniture, Furnishings
H+G 2009
H+G 2009
From to
Espacio Riesco
Santiago Chile, Chile
Furniture for restaurants, Technologies for hotels and restaurants, Cleaning equipment, Hotel furniture, Hotel equipment, Hotel industry
Trade Equipment 2009
Trade Equipment 2009
From to
Odessa Sea Commercial Port Exhibition Complex
Odessa, Ukraine
Office design, Retail, Service, Furniture for restaurants, Industrial fairs, Hotel industry
Trade Equipment 2008
Trade Equipment 2008
From to
Odessa Sea Commercial Port Exhibition Complex
Odessa, Ukraine
Office design, Retail, Service, Furniture for restaurants, Industrial fairs, Hotel industry
Agecotel 2008
Agecotel 2008
From to
Palais des Expositions de Nice
Nice, France
Hotels, Restaurants, Plastic industry, Furniture for restaurants, Services for hotels and restaurants, Restoration, Cinema, Hotel industry
H+G 2007
H+G 2007
From to
Espacio Riesco
Santiago Chile, Chile
Furniture for restaurants, Technologies for hotels and restaurants, Cleaning equipment, Hotel furniture, Hotel equipment, Hotel industry
Trade Equipment 2007
Trade Equipment 2007
From to
Odessa Sea Commercial Port Exhibition Complex
Odessa, Ukraine
Office design, Retail, Service, Furniture for restaurants, Industrial fairs, Hotel industry