Franchising Trade Shows in India Page 2

Franchising Trade Shows in India. Calendar Franchising Trade Shows in major cities of India Page 2

Calendar Franchising Trade Shows in India

IRF | India Retail Forum 2012
IRF | India Retail Forum 2012
From to
Jio World Centre
Mumbai, India
Marketing, Home decoration, Retail, B2b, Business, Store, Logistics, Hotel industry, Franchising, Technology, Services, Decoration
Nakshatra 2012
Nakshatra 2012
From to
Pragati Maidan
New Delhi, India
Personal care, Crafts, Culture, Alternative medicine, Printing, Health, Franchising, Technology, Services, Decoration
The Times Franchise Expo January 2012
The Times Franchise Expo January 2012
From to

Ahmedabad, India
B2b, Business, Store, Education centres, Enterpriser, Fashion, beauty, Leisure, Franchising, Services
IRF | India Retail Forum 2011
IRF | India Retail Forum 2011
From to
Jio World Centre
Mumbai, India
Marketing, Home decoration, Retail, B2b, Business, Store, Logistics, Hotel industry, Franchising, Technology, Services, Decoration
The Times Franchise Expo August 2011
The Times Franchise Expo August 2011
From to

Ahmedabad, India
B2b, Business, Store, Education centres, Enterpriser, Fashion, beauty, Leisure, Franchising, Services
The Times Franchise Expo July 2011
The Times Franchise Expo July 2011
From to

Ahmedabad, India
B2b, Business, Store, Education centres, Enterpriser, Fashion, beauty, Leisure, Franchising, Services