Food Trade Shows in Bologna Page 3

Upcoming Food Trade Shows in Bologna. Food Trade Shows that takes place in Bologna (Italy), updated information and resources to organize your Food Trade Shows Page 3

Enologica 2012
Enologica 2012
From to
Faenza Fiere
Bologna, Italy
Food, Wine
Sana 2012
Sana 2012
From to
Bologna Fiere
Bologna, Italy
Welfare, Agriculture, Drinks, Natural foods, Natural food, Organic food, Food
Artigiana Italiana 2012
Artigiana Italiana 2012
From to
Modena Fiere
Bologna, Italy
Accessories, Leather, Crafts, Enogastronomy, Ceramics, Food, Agricultural, Home, Health, Wine, Art
So Fresh 2012
So Fresh 2012
From to

Bologna, Italy
Meat, Fish, Vegetable, Fruit, Food
Enologica 2011
Enologica 2011
From to
Faenza Fiere
Bologna, Italy
Food, Wine
Sicura 2011
Sicura 2011
From to

Bologna, Italy
Security, Basic Food, Nutrition, Food
Sana 2011
Sana 2011
From to
Bologna Fiere
Bologna, Italy
Welfare, Agriculture, Drinks, Natural foods, Natural food, Organic food, Food
Artigiana Italiana 2011
Artigiana Italiana 2011
From to
Modena Fiere
Bologna, Italy
Accessories, Leather, Crafts, Enogastronomy, Ceramics, Food, Agricultural, Home, Health, Wine, Art
So Fresh 2011
So Fresh 2011
From to

Bologna, Italy
Meat, Fish, Vegetable, Fruit, Food