Florence Tattoo Convention 2023

Stazione Leopolda , 50144 Florencia
Florence (IT)

Florence Tattoo Convention: the trade show

TheFlorence Tattoo Convention is an international fair dedicated to the art of tattooing and body art.

The event has planned a series of exhibitions and seminars on tattoos and tattoo artists will host a series of famous, so a great opportunity for all professionals who have opportunities to generate leads and get updated every year on the world of body art.

Event profile Florence Tattoo Convention

  • Industries: Art
  • Frequency: anual
  • Scope: Local

Florence Tattoo Convention editions

Florence Tattoo Convention 2023 From to Stazione Leopolda
Florence Tattoo Convention 2021 From to Firenze Fiera - Fortezza da Basso
Florence Tattoo Convention 2019 From to Firenze Fiera - Fortezza da Basso
Florence Tattoo Convention 2018 From to Firenze Fiera - Fortezza da Basso