Trade shows of Financial holdings in Turkey
Financial holdings Trade Shows in Turkey
Financial holdings Trade Shows in Turkey. Calendar Financial holdings Trade Shows in major cities of Turkey
Calendar Financial holdings Trade Shows in Turkey

ISTANBUL REstate 2013
From to
Lütfi Kirdar Convention and Exhibition Centre
Istanbul, Turkey
Istanbul, Turkey
Store, Investment, Financial, Financial holdings, Real estate

ISTANBUL REstate 2012
From to
Lütfi Kirdar Convention and Exhibition Centre
Istanbul, Turkey
Istanbul, Turkey
Store, Investment, Financial, Financial holdings, Real estate

ISTANBUL REstate 2011
From to
Lütfi Kirdar Convention and Exhibition Centre
Istanbul, Turkey
Istanbul, Turkey
Store, Investment, Financial, Financial holdings, Real estate

Real Estate Eurasia 2008
From to
Istanbul Expo Center Exhibition Complex
Istanbul, Turkey
Istanbul, Turkey
Investment, Financial holdings, Real estate