Fertighausmesse Fürth 2023

Deggendorfer Stadthallen , Edlmairstraße 2
Deggendorf (DE)

The 2023 edition of Fertighausmesse Fürth has been postponed by the Organizer. As soon as we know the new dates of Fertighausmesse Fürth we will publish them.

Fertighausmesse Fürth: the trade show

During our trade fairs, you can get free and individual advice from leading German manufacturers, as well as from regional and national companies. Here the products, services and possibilities around construction and energy saving in a professional environment are professionally presented.

Fertighausmesse Fürth editions

Fertighausmesse Fürth 2020 From to Stadthalle
Fertighausmesse Fürth 2019 From to Stadthalle
Fertighausmesse Fürth 2018 From to Stadthalle
Fertighausmesse Fürth 2017 From to Stadthalle