Calendar Fabric Trade Shows in Germany

Munich Fabric Start February 2020
From to
MOC, Munich Order Center
Munich, Germany
Munich, Germany
Menswear, Urbanwear, Fabric, Plastic industry, Textiles, Fashion accessories, Cinema, Fashion

ISPO Munich 2020
From to
Messe München
Munich, Germany
Munich, Germany
Clothes, Fabric, Sportswear, Sport fashion, Winter sports, Sports

Munich Fabric Start September 2019
From to
MOC, Munich Order Center
Munich, Germany
Munich, Germany
Menswear, Urbanwear, Fabric, Plastic industry, Textiles, Fashion accessories, Cinema, Fashion

Cannabis XXL 2019
From to
Munich, Germany
Munich, Germany
Fabric, Natural Environment, Food, Renewable energies

ITMA 2019
From to
Deutsche Messe AG Hannover
Hannover, Germany
Hannover, Germany
Leather, Fabric, Clothes making machines, Textile machinery, Hotel textiles, Industrial fairs

ISPO Munich 2019
From to
Messe München
Munich, Germany
Munich, Germany
Clothes, Fabric, Sportswear, Sport fashion, Winter sports, Sports

Munich Fabric Start January 2019
From to
MOC, Munich Order Center
Munich, Germany
Munich, Germany
Menswear, Urbanwear, Fabric, Plastic industry, Textiles, Fashion accessories, Cinema, Fashion

Munich Fabric Start September 2018
From to
MOC, Munich Order Center
Munich, Germany
Munich, Germany
Menswear, Urbanwear, Fabric, Plastic industry, Textiles, Fashion accessories, Cinema, Fashion

Cannabis XXL 2018
From to
Munich, Germany
Munich, Germany
Fabric, Natural Environment, Food, Renewable energies

Munich Fabric Start January 2018
From to
MOC, Munich Order Center
Munich, Germany
Munich, Germany
Menswear, Urbanwear, Fabric, Plastic industry, Textiles, Fashion accessories, Cinema, Fashion

ISPO Munich 2018
From to
Messe München
Munich, Germany
Munich, Germany
Clothes, Fabric, Sportswear, Sport fashion, Winter sports, Sports

Munich Fabric Start September 2017
From to
MOC, Munich Order Center
Munich, Germany
Munich, Germany
Menswear, Urbanwear, Fabric, Plastic industry, Textiles, Fashion accessories, Cinema, Fashion

Cannabis XXL 2017
From to
Munich, Germany
Munich, Germany
Fabric, Natural Environment, Food, Renewable energies

ISPO Munich 2017
From to
Messe München
Munich, Germany
Munich, Germany
Clothes, Fabric, Sportswear, Sport fashion, Winter sports, Sports

Munich Fabric Start January 2017
From to
MOC, Munich Order Center
Munich, Germany
Munich, Germany
Menswear, Urbanwear, Fabric, Plastic industry, Textiles, Fashion accessories, Cinema, Fashion