EXPO-EDUCACION: the trade show
EDUCATION EXPO (Education Fair), organized by FES LTDA (Fairs Events & Supplies Ltd.) is the space designed for Higher Education Institutions oferten personalized way to thousands of Grade 11 students and the general public, a wide range of undergraduate programs, trainings, seminars courses, among others.
In addition EXPO-EDUCACION participate language centers, financial institutions, educational foundations, and other organizations related to the education sector. More than 7,000 students graduating next aa who visit our fair, belonging to about 100 colleges.
EXPO-EDUCACION helps further strengthen programs aimed at improving the quality and relevance indexes within the education revolution program.
EXPO-EDUCACION BUCARAMANGA: 26 and 27 October 2011
EXPO-EDUCACION CUCUTA: 17 and 18 November 2011
If you require further information please contact us by telephone (5) 3005425, or directly with the General Coordinator. Mobile: (3006004057 - 3006004075). Email: expo_educacion@hotmail.com