ERC Congress 2024

Athens ,
Athens (GR)

ERC Congress: the trade show

Nations of life-savers, communities with the readiness to respond to cardiac arrest. This is the vision of the future. The goal of the ERC. To achieve this, we need training and education. To know what to teach we need guidelines. To have good evidence-based guidelines, we need science. 

And for all this we need motivated people ready to change hearts and minds. Ready to research, educate and act. For all of these people the ERC has built this new website to support all our activities. I hope you find this site useful and attractive. Let's step into a new era! A warm welcome.

Event profile ERC Congress

ERC Congress editions

ERC Congress 2024 From to Athens
ERC Congress 2021 From to Online Online Webinar
ERC Congress 2020 From to Online Online Webinar
ERC Congress 2019 From to