Calendar Equipment and technologies Trade Shows in Germany

BauMesse NRW 2014
From to
Messe Westfalenhallen Dortmund
Dortmund, Germany
Dortmund, Germany
Home decoration, Building machinery, Refurbishment, Materials, Investment, Equipment and technologies, Financial holdings, Pharmacies, Medicine, Real estate

Fensterbau Frontale + HOLZ-HANDWERK Nürnberg 2014
From to
Nürnberg Messe
Nuremberg, Germany
Nuremberg, Germany
Home decoration, Building machinery, Refurbishment, Furniture, Materials, Equipment and technologies, Carpentry

SaaleBAU 2014
From to
Barleben, Germany
Barleben, Germany
Home decoration, Building machinery, Refurbishment, Materials, Equipment and technologies

L.O.B. 2014
From to
Berlin-Adlershof, Veranstaltungszentrum d. Wissensch.- u. Wirtsch.standorts
Berlin, Germany
Berlin, Germany
Laboratory technologies, Biotechnology, Equipment and technologies, Optics

Laser Optics Berlin 2014
From to
Messe Berlin
Berlin, Germany
Berlin, Germany
Laboratory technologies, Biotechnology, Equipment and technologies, Optics

IEX Insulation Expo Europe 2014
Nuremberg, Germany
From to
Nuremberg, Germany
Energy, Materials, Equipment and technologies, Technology

BAUExpo 2014
Giessen, Germany
From to
Giessen, Germany
Home decoration, Building machinery, Refurbishment, Materials, Equipment and technologies

Deutsches Forum Innenraumhygiene 2014
From to
Messe Essen
Essen, Germany
Essen, Germany
Home decoration, Building machinery, Refurbishment, Materials, Equipment and technologies

Paderbau 2014
From to
Ausstellungsgelände Schützenhallen
Paderborn, Germany
Paderborn, Germany
Home decoration, Building machinery, Refurbishment, Materials, Equipment and technologies

ReWoBau 2014
From to
Wiesbaden, Germany
Wiesbaden, Germany
Home decoration, Building machinery, Refurbishment, Materials, Equipment and technologies

Bau 2014
From to
Messe Berlin
Berlin, Germany
Berlin, Germany
Home decoration, Clothes, Engineering, Air conditioning, Building materials, Energy, Construction technologies, Materials, Equipment and technologies, Construction

DACH+HOLZ International 2014
From to
Stuttgarter Messe Und
Stuttgart, Germany
Stuttgart, Germany
Metallurgical, Welding, Home decoration, Metallurgy, Building machinery, Refurbishment, Furniture, Materials, Smelting, Equipment and technologies, Carpentry, Craft

Baumesse Chemnitz 2014
From to
Messe Chemnitz
Chemnitz, Germany
Chemnitz, Germany
Home decoration, Refurbishment, Materials, Equipment and technologies, Construction

Haus Garten Genuss 2014
From to
Messe Essen
Essen, Germany
Essen, Germany
Consumer goods, Home decoration, Materials, Garden, Equipment and technologies, Home

Kassel Frühjahrs-Ausstellung 2014
From to
Messe Kassel
Kassel, Germany
Kassel, Germany
Consumer goods, Home decoration, Materials, Gardening equipment, Garden, Equipment and technologies, Garden decoration, Gardening