Calendar Equipment and technologies Trade Shows in Germany

IMEX Frankfurt 2015
From to
Messe Frankfurt
Frankfurt, Germany
Frankfurt, Germany
Consumer goods, Hotels, Airlines, Travel, Tour operators, Tourism Organisms, Event organization, Incentive events, Equipment and technologies, Events, Leisure, Mice

Stone+tec 2015
From to
Nürnberg Messe
Nuremberg, Germany
Nuremberg, Germany
Home decoration, Building machinery, Refurbishment, Stone, Materials, Restoration, Equipment and technologies

Control Stuttgart 2015
From to
Stuttgarter Messe Und
Stuttgart, Germany
Stuttgart, Germany
Engineering, Testing, Automation, Equipment and technologies

CoilTechnica 2015
From to
HCC Hannover Congress Centrum
Hannover, Germany
Hannover, Germany
Electronic components, Electrical engineering, Automation, Manufacturing technologies, Equipment and technologies, Industrial fairs, Technology

MicroNanoTec 2015
From to
Deutsche Messe AG Hannover
Hannover, Germany
Hannover, Germany
Electronic components, New technologies, Equipment and technologies, Industrial fairs, Technology, Services

Haus Holz Energie 2015
From to
Stuttgarter Messe Und
Stuttgart, Germany
Stuttgart, Germany
Advertising gifts, Home decoration, Building machinery, Refurbishment, Clocks & watches, Materials, Equipment and technologies, Party, Craft, Art

BauMesse NRW 2015
From to
Messe Westfalenhallen Dortmund
Dortmund, Germany
Dortmund, Germany
Home decoration, Building machinery, Refurbishment, Materials, Investment, Equipment and technologies, Financial holdings, Pharmacies, Medicine, Real estate

SaaleBAU 2015
From to
Barleben, Germany
Barleben, Germany
Home decoration, Building machinery, Refurbishment, Materials, Equipment and technologies

Kassel Frühjahrs-Ausstellung 2015
From to
Messe Kassel
Kassel, Germany
Kassel, Germany
Consumer goods, Home decoration, Materials, Gardening equipment, Garden, Equipment and technologies, Garden decoration, Gardening

Gebäude.Energie.Technik (GETEC) 2015
From to
Messe Freiburg
Freiburg, Germany
Freiburg, Germany
Home decoration, Air conditioning, Refrigeration, Plumbing, Materials, Heating, Equipment and technologies, Natural Environment

ReWoBau 2015
From to
Wiesbaden, Germany
Wiesbaden, Germany
Home decoration, Building machinery, Refurbishment, Materials, Equipment and technologies

R+T Stuttgart 2015
From to
Messe Stuttgart
Stuttgart, Germany
Stuttgart, Germany
Home decoration, Software, Materials, Equipment and technologies

Deutsches Forum Innenraumhygiene 2015
From to
Messe Essen
Essen, Germany
Essen, Germany
Home decoration, Building machinery, Refurbishment, Materials, Equipment and technologies

Paderbau 2015
From to
Ausstellungsgelände Schützenhallen
Paderborn, Germany
Paderborn, Germany
Home decoration, Building machinery, Refurbishment, Materials, Equipment and technologies