Entertainment Trade Shows in Spain Page 4

Entertainment Trade Shows in Spain. Calendar Entertainment Trade Shows in major cities of Spain Page 4

Calendar Entertainment Trade Shows in Spain

Megaxove 2012
Megaxove 2012
From to
Expourense. Fundación de Ferias y Exposiciones de Ourense
Vigo, Spain
Educational toys, Entertainment, Children, Sports
Lifestyle Expo Alicante 2012
Lifestyle Expo Alicante 2012
From to
Institución Ferial Alicantina
Elche, Spain
Entertainment, Cars, Healthcare, Basic Food, Real estate agencies, Leisure, Real estate, Services
ExpoAventura 2012
ExpoAventura 2012
From to
Fira Sabadell
Barcelona, Spain
Adventure tourism, Entertainment, Winter transport, Nautic sports, Adventure sports, Sports, Tourism, Leisure
ExpoAventura 2012
ExpoAventura 2012
From to
Fira Sabadell
Barcelona, Spain
Adventure tourism, Entertainment, Winter transport, Nautic sports, Adventure sports, Sports, Tourism, Leisure
Nagusi 2012
Nagusi 2012
From to
BEC Bilbao Exhibition Centre
Bilbao, Spain
Training, Travel, Entertainment, Healthcare, Leisure, Services
FIDMA - Feria de Muestras de Asturias 2012
FIDMA - Feria de Muestras de Asturias 2012
From to
Feria de Asturias, Palacio Congresos Luis Adaro
Gijon, Spain
Consumer goods, Tourism Organisms, Entertainment, Drinks, Store, Basic Food, Food, Leisure, Services
Classic Motor Sabadell 2012
Classic Motor Sabadell 2012
From to
Fira Sabadell
Barcelona, Spain
Automobile, Entertainment, Motorbikes, Car parts, Collecting, Old cars, Leisure, Antiques
Juventud Activa 2012
Juventud Activa 2012
From to
Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos de Teruel
Teruel, Spain
Training, Employment, Entertainment, Youth, Education institutions, Education, Leisure
Lleida Expo Tren 2012
Lleida Expo Tren 2012
From to
Fira de Lleida
Lleida, Spain
Modelling, Railway and trains, Entertainment, Collecting, Tourism, Leisure
Ocio Nadal 2012
Ocio Nadal 2012
From to
FIMO, Feria Internacional de Muestras del Noroeste
Ferrol, Spain
Educational toys, Family, Entertainment, Children, Children's games, Leisure
Zagalandia 2011
Zagalandia 2011
From to
IFB, Institución Ferial de Barbastro
Barbastro, Spain
Entertainment, Sports, Games, Leisure
Megaxove 2011
Megaxove 2011
From to
Expourense. Fundación de Ferias y Exposiciones de Ourense
Vigo, Spain
Educational toys, Entertainment, Children, Sports
ExpoAventura 2011
ExpoAventura 2011
From to
Fira Sabadell
Barcelona, Spain
Adventure tourism, Entertainment, Winter transport, Nautic sports, Adventure sports, Sports, Tourism, Leisure