Eltefa 2023

Messe Stuttgart , Messepiazza 1
Stuttgart (DE)

The 2023 edition of Eltefa has been postponed by the Organizer. As soon as we know the new dates of Eltefa we will publish them.

Eltefa: the trade show

With around 23,000 trade visitors eltefa has again demonstrated its leading position as the most important country fair in the electrical industry to the test. Due to the dynamic development of sustainable energy, intelligent energy distribution and the trend towards smart homes electrical engineering is gaining in importance. Nowhere else the the safety of building control issue is so versatile, lively and fascinatingly interpreted as among the exhibitors in the theme parks, on the forums and congresses of this electrical trade fair . And in the midst of a strong economic region in the leader and trendsetter in the industry are at home .

Eltefa editions

Eltefa 2019 From to Messe Stuttgart
Eltefa 2017 From to Messe Stuttgart
Eltefa 2015 From to Messe Stuttgart
Eltefa 2013 From to Messe Stuttgart