Eleotechnia, Olive oil and edible olive expo 2015

Hellinikon International Airport , Athens
Athens (GR)

Eleotechnia, Olive oil and edible olive expo is now: Eleotechnia

Eleotechnia, Olive oil and edible olive expo: the trade show

In Greece, third oil-producing country in the world and junctional point for the Balkans and the countries of Middle East, no sectional fair has been organized up to this day for the olive-culture sector. A sector that employees and concerns more than 1,000,000 families of oil-producers, oil-pressers, merchants etc. and contributes considerably to our national economy.

November 2015 Edition:


Eleotechnia, Olive oil and edible olive expo editions

Eleotechnia, Olive oil and edible olive expo 2015 From to Hellinikon International Airport