Calendar Electrical engineering Trade Shows in Germany

Coilex Technology Park (within Blechexpo) 2012
From to
Messe Stuttgart
Stuttgart, Germany
Stuttgart, Germany
Electrical engineering, Electronics

Microsys (within Motek) 2012
From to
Stuttgarter Messe Und
Stuttgart, Germany
Stuttgart, Germany
Electrical engineering, Electronics

From to
Leipziger Messe
Leipzig, Germany
Leipzig, Germany
Consumer goods, Refrigeration, Electrical engineering, Electronics

Sensor+test 2012
From to
Nürnberg Messe
Nuremberg, Germany
Nuremberg, Germany
Engineering, Measurement, Testing, Electrical engineering, Automation, Industrial fairs, Technology

Akademika May 2012
Augsburg, Germany
From to
Augsburg, Germany
Training, Employment, Electrical engineering, Universities, Education

PCIM Expo & Conference 2012
From to
Nürnberg Messe
Nuremberg, Germany
Nuremberg, Germany
Electrical engineering, Electronics

Promotion World/HANNOVER MESSE 2012
From to
Deutsche Messe AG Hannover
Hannover, Germany
Hannover, Germany
Advertising gifts, Surface treatment, Electrical engineering, Multimedia technology, Natural Environment, Printing and graphics, Technology

CoilTechnica 2012
From to
HCC Hannover Congress Centrum
Hannover, Germany
Hannover, Germany
Electronic components, Electrical engineering, Automation, Manufacturing technologies, Equipment and technologies, Industrial fairs, Technology

CoilTechnica/ HANNOVER MESSE 2012
From to
Deutsche Messe AG Hannover
Hannover, Germany
Hannover, Germany
Electrical engineering, Electronics

From to
Deutsche Messe AG Hannover
Hannover, Germany
Hannover, Germany
Energy production, Electrical engineering, Biofuels, Energy generation, Renewable energy, Industrial fairs, Renewable energies, Technology

SHK Essen 2012
From to
Messe Essen
Essen, Germany
Essen, Germany
Air conditioning, Refrigeration, Electrical engineering, Plumbing, Heating

METAV 2012
From to
Messe Düsseldorf
Hamburg, Germany
Hamburg, Germany
Welding, Electrical engineering, Automation, Manufacturing technologies, Metal, Industrial fairs