The aim of DIGAE is to spread awareness about the development of integrated government work based on innovation and creativity, supported by technology. This annual exhibition reflects the commitment of Dubai Excellence Program in line with the vision of the wise leadership to promote the continued success of government work. DIGAE serves as a benchmarking hub for its exhibitors where they can measure their service development, compare the growth, exchange knowledge and best practices in the public administration. This 2017 edition it's coming with a lot of novelties and from nEventum, we talked with the organizers to tell us all you should know before attending!
Could you tell me some characteristics that make DIGAE different from other similar shows?
DIGAE is a known event, not commercial. What makes it special is that it includes almost all sectors under its umbrella with a variety of focus areas and key messages. DIGAE does not only address innovation in technology, rather adapts innovation as a culture in all work aspects. DIGAE shades the light on Strategic Planning, Community Initiatives, Public Happiness, and Accelerating the Future.
What can you highlight from the next edition? What is going to be the novelties?
DIGAE will feature in the coming edition theme pavilions; Innovation Pavilion, Excellence Pavilion, Knowledge Pavilion, Consultants Pavilion, and Service Providers Pavilion. This addition will open the door for experts and pioneers from the private sector to be a part of this unique event which fosters the efforts towards achieving a better life. In the top of that a number of side activities will take place in DIGAE: Interactive Workshops, Seminars, The Cooperation Hub, and Ask Government Leaders Initiative.
Your show brings the possibility to get in touch with powerful people of the government or institutions. Can you give some tips for those exhibiting for the first time? (regarding exhibition and also business etiquette)
Ask Gov. Leaders initiative encourages the public and the press to engage in an open dialogue with the government leaders and to address pressing issues or any questions they have in mind, this reflects the high level of transparency in government management. All of Dubai Government Leaders participating in this initiative, and all exhibitors and visitors can participate in the initiative.
Do you recommend us any conference or workshop?
Don’t miss the seminar titled: 'Internet of Things (IoT) and Blockchain Practice: Exploring the Implications of a New Public Administration'
What represents DIGAE for Dubai? And for the industry?
DIGAE is one of Dubai Government Excellence Program initiatives that aims to promote excellence in public administration and not only keep track of the best practices but even to accelerate the future and discover new challenges to prepare for it. This represents the vision and standards of Dubai Leadership.
Who can attend?
The event is open to the public for free. Visitors come from all age groups and all sectors. School and College students are included.
Finally, can you give us some participation results from the last edition?
DIGAE the last edition has witnessed the following:
- 12 workshops
- 33 Speakers
- 8 MOU’s signed
- 15222 Visitors
- 20 countries
- 66 Exhibitors