Die Welt Der Verpackung (Empack, Packaging, Lebel & Print): the trade show
With its 10th anniversary, the firmly established "Verpackung" will get a new name and freshen up its appearance. It repositions itself to become the centre of packaging in a new way. Thereby:
- Empack focuses on packaging technology, packaging units and machines as well as on packaging materials and services.
- The Packaging Innovations is increasingly becoming an event of creative brands and design-orientated packaging. Here the latest developments, prototypes and highlights of primary and secondary packaging are being presented. New impulses, lateral thinking and professional exchange are in focus here.
- The Label&Print is the new brand where everything will be about packaging printing, finishing, processing machines and marking technology.
Come to Hamburg and take yourself into the "World of Packaging", discover a unique fair trio and an unmatched mix of professional visitors who compliment and presuppose one other.