Danubius Gastro 2025

Incheba Expo - Bratislava Exhibition Ground , Viedenská cesta 3409
Bratislava (SK)

Danubius Gastro: the trade show

Danubius Gastro is the premier fair in Slovakia focused on gastronomy, hotel business and the food industry. Different professionals gather at the show representing different sectors: food producers, gastro-technologies, packaging materials and machinery, shop and warehouse technologies, distributors, hotel operators, guest houses, restaurants, coffee bars, stores and the general public.

Danubius Gastro is a unique platform where to extend existing business relations and establishing new ones, an excellent marketing opportunity where to showcase your products and services, and raise public awareness. The event includes the following concurrent shows, Exposhop, Gastropack and Exporeklama.  

Danubius Gastro editions

Danubius Gastro 2025 From to Incheba Expo - Bratislava Exhibition Ground
Danubius Gastro 2024 From to Incheba Exhibition Ground
Danubius Gastro 2023 From to Incheba Expo - Bratislava Exhibition Ground
Danubius Gastro 2022 From to Incheba Expo - Bratislava Exhibition Ground