Green Energy Expo 2008
From to
EXCO Exhibition and Convention Center
Daegu, South Korea
Daegu, South Korea
Energy, Natural Environment

Oil & Gas World expo (Oceantex) 2008
Daegu, South Korea
From to
Daegu, South Korea
Chemical process, Energy production, Biotechnology, Gas, Oil & Gas, Renewable energies

Green Energy Expo 2007
From to
EXCO Exhibition and Convention Center
Daegu, South Korea
Daegu, South Korea
Energy, Natural Environment

Green Energy Expo 2006
From to
EXCO Exhibition and Convention Center
Daegu, South Korea
Daegu, South Korea
Energy, Natural Environment

Oil & Gas World expo (Oceantex) 2006
Daegu, South Korea
From to
Daegu, South Korea
Chemical process, Energy production, Biotechnology, Gas, Oil & Gas, Renewable energies