COTTM 2025

(NAEC) China National Agricultural Exhibition Center , Side Road of E. 3rd Ring Road North
Beijing (CN)

COTTM: the trade show

COTTM is the industry’s most important platform for business to business. An event that focuses purely on the burgeoning outbound market and conveniently located in Beijing where you can find some of the largest outbound tour operators.A professional platform for international travel and tourism suppliers to showcase their products and services to the leading Chinese outbound professionals. 

COTTM editions

COTTM 2025 From to (NAEC) China National Agricultural Exhibition Center
COTTM 2024 From to (NAEC) China National Agricultural Exhibition Center
COTTM 2021 From to (NAEC) China National Agricultural Exhibition Center
COTTM 2020 From to (NAEC) China National Agricultural Exhibition Center

As you enjoy COTTM, be sure to put your own products on the line

COTTM is the industry's most important platform for the travel and tourism market in this side of the world. This expo can flaunt over more than 400 exhibitors, all in which represent 65 countries and is attended by more than 3,300 Chinese trade buyers. All coming from leading outbound tour operators and travel agencies.

Cottm Stand

No other exhibition is quite like this one, it represents 100% business strategy all over the show floor. From high caliber seminar programs for both visitors and exhibitors, as well as extensive knowledge of the Chinese travelers preferences and requirements. The new edition of the COTTM Fair is the best opportunity to promote an international platform for the private sector and national tourism bodies.

Doing business in China has been put suddenly easier, work or explore the business potential of this large market. The number of outbound artists from China will exceed 500 million in the next five years. Organized for the visitors benefit, its aim is to have as many exhibitions, conferences, workshops and even on line media as possible.

It also serves as the only B2B event in China that is dedicate to the Chine outbound travel and tourism sector. Exposing here will allow you to have many benefits, such as: to do business with 4,000 employees and Chinese buyers in just three days, find first-hand information on the selection of their products and their performance and see launches happen right before your eyes.