Cosmogarden 2026

Brixia forum , VIA CAPRERA 5
Brescia (IT)

Cosmogarden: the trade show

Online ticket € 10

''COSMOGARDEN-vegetable gardens and gardens in and out of the house'', 2nd edition, sees green professionals as protagonists and is designed for enthusiasts, operators in the sector and designers.

The fair offers the opportunity of direct contact bringing in a single event the best realities and trends in the sector.

Plants and flowers of all kinds, nurseries, garden centers, design studios, specialized companies and outdoor furniture: all solidly united by the passion for Greenery and a dense calendar of events that will mark the four days of the event.

300 exhibitors and 100 events scheduled during the 4 days of the fair, divided between workshops, work shops, conferences and contests.

Cosmogarden editions

Cosmogarden 2026 From to Brixia forum
Cosmogarden 2019 From to Brixia Expo - Fiera di Brescia