Calendar Consumer goods Trade Shows in Poland

Meble Polska 2010
From to
Poznan International Fair
Poznan, Poland
Poznan, Poland
Consumer goods, Home decoration, Furnishings

Meble Polska 2009
From to
Poznan International Fair
Poznan, Poland
Poznan, Poland
Consumer goods, Home decoration, Furnishings

Meble Polska 2008
From to
Poznan International Fair
Poznan, Poland
Poznan, Poland
Consumer goods, Home decoration, Furnishings

Meble Polska 2007
From to
Poznan International Fair
Poznan, Poland
Poznan, Poland
Consumer goods, Home decoration, Furnishings

Meble Polska 2006
From to
Poznan International Fair
Poznan, Poland
Poznan, Poland
Consumer goods, Home decoration, Furnishings