Congreso Internacional Taurino: the trade show
The FETC and La Mesa del Toro organized the ICongreso Internacional Taurino "Bulls / culture and freedom" to make known the reality of the feast and give our support to the Bullfights are approved in Parliament and declared of Cultural Interest (BIC).
We have the most prestigious professionals (bullfighters, farmers, journalists ...) and intellectuals (writers, musicians, singers, painters and poets) of the highest international level. Carlos Nunez, Jose Maria Manzanares, Luis Francisco Esplá, Paco Camino, Covadonga Saiz, Andre Viard, Victorino Martín, José M. Arroyo "Joselito", Eduardo Mendoza, Adolfo Suárez Illana, François Zumbiehl, Williams Cardenas, Arcadi Espada, Albert Boadella, Fernando Sanchez Drago Andres Amoros. The closing conference has asked the Nobel Prize Mario Vargas Llosa.