Collecting Trade Shows in Spain Page 10

Collecting Trade Shows in Spain. Calendar Collecting Trade Shows in major cities of Spain Page 10

Calendar Collecting Trade Shows in Spain

Antigua 2012
Antigua 2012
From to
IFAB. Instittución Ferial de Albacete
Albacete, Spain
Furniture, Stamps and coins, Collecting, Decoration objects, Antiques
Desembalaje de Antigüedades December 2011
Desembalaje de Antigüedades December 2011
From to
IFEPA - Palacio Ferias y Exposiciones Murcia
Murcia, Spain
Collectors, Furniture, Stamps and coins, Collecting, Decoration objects, Antiques
Antiqua 2011
Antiqua 2011
From to
IFB, Institución Ferial de Barbastro
Barbastro, Spain
Collectors, Furniture, Collecting, Decoration objects, Antiques, Art
Lleidantic 2011
Lleidantic 2011
From to
Fira de Lleida
Lleida, Spain
Collectors, Paints, Furniture, Decoration items, Collecting, Antiques
Antiquus 2011
Antiquus 2011
From to
Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos de Teruel
Teruel, Spain
Collectors, Jewels, Paint, Sculpture, Collecting, Antiques
Brocanters Menorca 2011
Brocanters Menorca 2011
From to
Recinto Ferial de Es Mercadal
Es Mercadal, Spain
Furniture, Stamps and coins, Collecting, Decoration objects, Antiques
Fira del Col.leccionisme 2011
Fira del Col.leccionisme 2011
Fira de Mollerussa
Mollerussa, Spain
Collectors, Photography, Stamps and coins, Collecting, Leisure, Antiques
Desembalaje de Antigüedades May 2011
Desembalaje de Antigüedades May 2011
From to
IFEPA - Palacio Ferias y Exposiciones Murcia
Murcia, Spain
Collectors, Furniture, Stamps and coins, Collecting, Decoration objects, Antiques
Antic Auto 2011
Antic Auto 2011
From to
Institución Ferial Alicantina
Alicante, Spain
Automobile, Antique cars, Vehicles, Cars, Collecting, Old cars
Lleida Expo Tren 2011
Lleida Expo Tren 2011
From to
Fira de Lleida
Lleida, Spain
Modelling, Railway and trains, Entertainment, Collecting, Tourism, Leisure
Antiquaris Barcelona 2011
Antiquaris Barcelona 2011
From to
Fira Barcelona, Montjuic
Barcelona, Spain
Collectors, contemporary art, Stamps and coins, Collecting, Decoration objects, Antiques, Art