Clothes Trade Shows in Germany Page 23

Clothes Trade Shows in Germany. Calendar Clothes Trade Shows in major cities of Germany Page 23

Calendar Clothes Trade Shows in Germany

International Green Week Berlin 2008
International Green Week Berlin 2008
From to
Messe Berlin
Berlin, Germany
Clothes, Agriculture, Horticulture, Seafood, Drinks, Free time, Ecological, Ecological products, Food, Agricultural, Do it yourself
Familie & Heim 2007
Familie & Heim 2007
From to
Stuttgarter Messe Und
Stuttgart, Germany
Advertising gifts, Consumer goods, Clothes, Clocks & watches, Party, Craft, Jewellery
COSMETICA Berlin 2007
COSMETICA Berlin 2007
From to
Messe Berlin
Berlin, Germany
Clothes, Cosmetics, Personal care, Beauty products, Free time, Hygiene, beauty, Do it yourself, Health
Import Shop Berlin 2007
Import Shop Berlin 2007
From to
Messe Berlin
Berlin, Germany
Handicrafts, Consumer goods, Clothes, Crafts, Furniture, Fashion accessories, Jewellery, Fashion, Home
From to
Messe Westfalenhallen Dortmund
Dortmund, Germany
Consumer goods, Clothes, Energy, Sports, Fashion, beauty, Home, Tourism, Services
Kind + Jugend 2007
Kind + Jugend 2007
From to
Koeln Messe
Cologne, Germany
Toys, Clothes, Baby toys, Children's, children's furniture, Children's wear, Store, Baby fashion, Financial, Children's fashion
Spoga+Gafa 2007
Spoga+Gafa 2007
From to
Koeln Messe
Cologne, Germany
Clothes, Fishing, Agriculture, Swimming pools, Garden furnishings, Camping, Farming, Gardens, Garden decoration, Sports, Gardening, Do it yourself, Leisure
Body Look July 2007
Body Look July 2007
From to
Messe Düsseldorf
Düsseldorf, Germany
Accessories, Lingerie, Clothes, Swimwear, Fashion
Die 66 2007
Die 66 2007
From to

Munich, Germany
Consumer goods, Clothes, Music, Sports, Tourism, Leisure
ProWein Düsseldorf 2007
ProWein Düsseldorf 2007
From to
Messe Düsseldorf
Düsseldorf, Germany
Clothes, Glass, Household appliances, Alcoholic drinks, Viticulture, Cork, Wine tourism, Drinks, Hygiene, Meal, Health
Cux-Schau 2007
Cux-Schau 2007
From to
Kugelbake-Halle + Kurparkhalle
Cuxhaven, Germany
Consumer goods, Clothes, Cosmetics, Travel, Home design, Garden, Construction, Decoration
Body Look February 2007
Body Look February 2007
From to
Messe Düsseldorf
Düsseldorf, Germany
Accessories, Lingerie, Clothes, Swimwear, Fashion