Clothes making machines Trade Shows Page 13

21 Clothes making machines Trade Shows. Clothes making machines Trade Shows en 12 países y 647 sectores relacionados con Clothes making machines Trade Shows Page 13

Textile Asia 2006
Textile Asia 2006
From to
Quilim Marquee
Lahore, Pakistan
Fabric, Clothing textiles, Clothes making machines, Industrial fairs
Textile Asia 2005
Textile Asia 2005
From to
Quilim Marquee
Lahore, Pakistan
Fabric, Clothing textiles, Clothes making machines, Industrial fairs
GFT 2004
GFT 2004
From to
Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC)
Bangkok, Thailand
Clothes making machines, Textile machinery, Textile industry, Industrial fairs
GFT 2002
GFT 2002
From to
Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC)
Bangkok, Thailand
Clothes making machines, Textile machinery, Textile industry, Industrial fairs