Technology, developements, special applications and solutions... Facility managers and “Cleanroom professionals” who design and engineer “extraordinary spaces” for facilities, will come together at the “one and only” Cleanroom Exhibition of Turkey in İstanbul.
Nowadays; special industrial plants, medical facilities, research&developent departments of the concerned facilities require very hygenic and extremely sterile spaces which should be designed and engineered with high-tech materials and equipment. Production&operability process, special equipment, control techniques, management models, certification and risk management systems are all indispensable fields of the cleanroom applications.Production&operability process, special equipment, control techniques, management models, certification and risk management systems are all indispensable fields of the cleanroom applications.
Cleanroom Exhibition will be an appropriate business platform for all concerned sectors to present the materials, products, technology and services for the increasing demand of the facility managers and professionals who require “Cleanroom” in their facilities. We invite the concerned industries to establish new business contacts in this rapidly developing field and to take a place in the future-oriented market of Turkey.
ISTANBUL: an international Hub for industry and technology... As one of the Megacities of the world, Istanbul is also known as the capital of economy of Turkey and a very important international business point, located as a bridge from Europe to Near Asia and entire Middle East as well as the Eastern Mediterranean area. Thousands of huge industrial facilities including medicine, metal processing, heay industry, food processing etc.have been located in and around Istanbul and neighbouring provinces that create a huge business volume for the suppliers of technology, equipment and solutions for Cleanroom applications. Moreover, private healthcare services recently became a very important sector in Istanbul giving considerable market opportunities to the concerned suppliers as well. Cleanroom Istanbul Exhibition offers ideal business opportunities to make new business contacts and to meet the expanding industrial market of Turkey.
Cleanroom Istanbul Exhibition is:
- a business platform to meet industrial professionals and facility managers to establish new business relations,
- an information center of the innovative cleanroom technology with its wide range of exhibited products,
- a marketplace for new trends,
- an academic meeting point with an interesting and attractive accompanying programme to the professionals,
- not only an exhibition itself but also a network in the fields of; cleanroom technology, facility management, industrial maintenance and sustainability in facilities.
Visitors profile - Target visitor groups of Cleanroom Istanbul 2016 Exhibition
Target Sectors:
- Cleanroom designers
- Health Industry
- Cleanroom sectional managers
- Medicine Industry
- Hospital managers
- Manufacturing Industry
- Laboratory asistants
- Food Processing
- Industry facility managers
- Chemicals Industry
- Technical managers and technicians
- Biotechnology production
- Process managers
- Cosmetics
- IT system managers
- Electronic Industry facility engineers
- Nuclear Industry
- The authorised advisers for quality control and certification
- Optical Industry research and developement department managers
- Hospitals and other healthcare facilities
- Business fields of target visitors
- Management
- Engineering
- Production
- Maintenance & Technical Service
- Marketing
- Procurement
- Planning
- Research
- Consulting
Business fields of target visitors:
- Management
- Engineering
- Production
- Maintenance & Technical Service
- Marketing
- Procurement
- Planning
- Research
- Consulting
Exhibitors profile - The main exhibiting categories of Cleanroom Istanbul Exhibition
- Engineering, Design, Construction
- Cleanroom Floor, Wall, Door, Ceiling Systems
- Cleanroom Furnishings
- Air Conditioning, Air Filtration and Air Handling Units
- Air Distribution and Ventilation Materials and Components
- Process and Laboratory Water Treatment
- Testing, Commissioning and Validating Systems
- Cleanroom Devices and Equipment
- Laminar Flow Cabinets
- Microbiological Safety Cabinets
- Airborne and Surface Disinfection Equipment and Materials
- Electronics, Automation and Digital Systems
- Chemicals and Gas Distribution and Treatment
- Training and Consulting
- Cleaning Equipment and Services (Washing, Sterilisation)
- Laboratory analysis services
- Packing and handling
- Cleanroom Housekeeping
- Qualification and Testing
- Consumables, Clothings and Personal Equipment
- Publishings, Organizations
Please contact Antexpo ( if you want to visit or exhibit at the fair.
April 2015 Edition:
Technology, developements, special applications and solutions... Facility managers and “Cleanroom professionals” who design and engineer “extraordinary spaces” for facilities, will come together at the “one and only” Cleanroom Exhibition of Turkey in İstanbul,on 16 -18 April 2015.
Nowadays; special industrial plants, medical facilities, research&developent departments of the concerned facilities require very hygenic and extremely sterile spaces which should be designed and engineered with high-tech materials and equipment.
Production&operability process, special equipment, control techniques, management models, certification and risk management systems are all indispensable fields of the cleanroom applications.
Cleanroom 2015 Exhibition will be an appropriate business platform for all concerned sectors to present the materials, products, technology and services for the increasing demand of the facility managers and professionals who require “Cleanroom” in their facilities. We invite the concerned industries to establish new business contacts in this rapidly developing field and to take a place in the future-oriented market of Turkey. ISTANBUL: an international Hub for industry and technology...As one of the Megacities of the world, Istanbul is also known as the capital of economy of Turkey and a very important international business point, located as a bridge from Europe to Near Asia and entire Middle East as well as the Eastern Mediterranean area. Thousands of huge industrial facilities including medicine, metal processing, heay industry, food processing etc.have been located in and around Istanbul and neighbouring provinces that create a huge business volume for the suppliers of technology, equipment and solutions for Cleanroom applications. Moreover, private healthcare services recently became a very important sector in Istanbul giving considerable market opportunities to the concerned suppliers as well. Cleanroom Istanbul 2015 Exhibition offers ideal business opportunities to make new business contacts and to meet the expanding industrial market of Turkey.
Cleanroom Istanbul 2015 Exhibition is:
- a business platform to meet industrial professionals and facility managers to establish new business relations,
- an information center of the innovative cleanroom technology with its wide range of exhibited products,
- a marketplace for new trends,
- an academic meeting point with an interesting and attractive accompanying programme to the professionals,
- not only an exhibition itself but also a network in the fields of; cleanroom technology, facility management, industrial maintenance and sustainability in facilities.
It's a pleasure to present you Cleanroom Exhibition, held in Istanbul
AntExpo is a young, dynamic and professional company established by a hardworking, productive and solution-oriented team providing a wide range of exhibition, publishing and trade services. This year, they present the first edition of a new event: Cleanroom Exhibition, in Istanbul.
Cleanroom Exhibition is where the expert of the industry come together to discover the new equipment, operational processes, control techinques or management issues. In addition of discussing industrial, medical and hygienic and sterile environment issues.
We've interviewed the organizers of the exhibition, AntExpo, to discover more things about this new event and to offer a briefing about what you have to know if you are thinking on exhibiting.

What is the exhibitor's profile?
Cleanroom building:
- Engineering, Design, Construction
- Cleanroom Floor, Wall, Door, Ceiling Systems
- Cleanroom Furnishings
Technology and equipment:
- Air Conditioning, Air Filtration and Air Handling Units
- Air Distribution and Ventilation Materials and Components
- Process and Laboratory Water Treatment
- Testing, Commissioning and Validating Systems
- Cleanroom Devices and Equipment
- Laminar Flow Cabinets
- Microbiological Safety Cabinets
- Airborne and Surface Disinfection Equipment and Materials
- Electronics, Automation and Digital Systems
- Chemicals and Gas Distribution and Treatment
Operation & organisations:
- Training and Consulting
- Cleaning Equipment and Services (Washing, Sterilisation)
- Laboratory analysis services
- Packing and handling
- Cleanroom Housekeeping
- Qualification and Testing
- Consumables, Clothings and Personal Equipment
- Publishings, Organizations

As an exhibitor thinking about attending to a trade show, could you give me 3 reasons about why do I have to exhibit there?
ISTANBUL: an international Hub for industry and technology...
Cleanroom is a business platform to meet industrial professionals and facility managers to establish new business relations,an information center of the innovative cleanroom technology with its wide range of exhibited products.
Cleanroom Show is not only an exhibition itself but also a network in the fields of; cleanroom technology, facility management, industrial maintenance and sustainability in facilities.
What is the visitors profile?
Target Professionals:
- cleanroom designers
- cleanroom sectional managers
- hospital managers
- Laboratory asistants
- facility managers
- Technical managers and technicians
- production, process managers
- IT system managers
- facility engineers
- the authorised advisers for quality control and certification
- research and developement department managers
Target Sectors:
- Health Industry
- Medicine Industry
- Manufacturing Industry
- Food Processing Industry
- Chemicals Industry
- Biotechnology
- Cosmetics
- Electronic Industry
- Industry
- Nuclear
- Optical Industry
- Hospitals and other healthcare facilities

And on the same way, can you give me 3 reasons of why should I choose to visit this trade show?
Good opportunity to observe the last technological develepoments in the field of cleanroom applications.
A platform to find the distinguished suppliers of cleanroom technology and equipment.
Attending to the rich accompanying events of Cleanroom Exhibition which are organised with the help of concerned chambers, associations and academicians.
What are the top trade shows of this sector in Europe?
How have you adapted Cleanroom Expo to the social networks and digital media irruption?
We have been issuing an e-magazine for Cleanroom Exhibition and online