China Gifts and Home Fair 2025

Shenzhen World , Zhancheng Road No.1, Fuhai Street
Shenzhen (CN)

China Gifts and Home Fair: the trade show

China (Shenzhen) International Gifts & Home Fair is the largest trade show of its kind in Mainland China. Held in Shenzhen during the best buying seasons in April and October every year, the fair offers the widest selection of business gifts, premiums and consumer products, and attracts tens of thousands of buyers from across the country.

April 2016 Edition:

Reed Huabo’s China Gifts and Home Fair is the leading trade show of its kind in Mainland China. Held in Shenzhen during the best buying seasons in April and October every year, the fair offers a wide selection of business gifts, premiums and consumer products, and attracts tens of thousands of buyers from across the country. They include distributors, agents, premium houses, department stores and large corporate end users. Exhibitors are primarily manufacturers, promising the best design and quality at competitive prices. The fair enables key market players to meet and trade, form partnerships and set industry trends. It is also the best market-entry opportunity for overseas suppliers aiming to tap the fast-growing Chinese market.

April 2016 Edition:

Reed Huabo’s China Gifts and Home Fair is the leading trade show of its kind in Mainland China. Held in Shenzhen during the best buying seasons in April and October every year, the fair offers a wide selection of business gifts, premiums and consumer products, and attracts tens of thousands of buyers from across the country. They include distributors, agents, premium houses, department stores and large corporate end users. Exhibitors are primarily manufacturers, promising the best design and quality at competitive prices. The fair enables key market players to meet and trade, form partnerships and set industry trends. It is also the best market-entry opportunity for overseas suppliers aiming to tap the fast-growing Chinese market.

Event profile China Gifts and Home Fair

China Gifts and Home Fair editions

China Gifts and Home Fair 2025 From to Shenzhen World
China Gifts and Home Fair 2024 From to Shenzhen World
China Gifts and Home Fair 2023 From to Shenzhen World
China Gifts and Home Fair 2022 From to Shenzhen World

Gift and Home show in Shenzhen

Every October, many leading manufacturers and suppliers from China gather in Shenzhen, to display their newest and latest products for new customers at the number one gift event in China. The International Gift and Home Product Fair is attended by leading buyers including agents, distributors, premium houses, chain stores and corporate buyers.

We have had the opportunity to interview the organizers of the show and talk about all the novelties, trends and activities we will enjoy during the fair.

What novelties have you prepared for this 2017 edition?

Creative and Innovative Products Debut at the “Maker Gallery”: Up-to-date products with dedicate design and high performance will be presented at the Maker Gallery, including various kinds of hot-selling consumer electronics, intelligent hardware and black-tech products.

Co-Locate the 3rd Shenzhen International Vape Expo at Hall 3, many activities including

  • New Product Release
  • Cloud Chasing Competition
  • Vaping Tricks Competition 
  • Best eJuice Award
  • and much more!

Why Shenzhen and what benefits brings this venue to the city?

Held in Shenzhen, the business hub and gateway in Southern China with easy accessibility by air, railway, metro and sea. Also one of the Special Economic Zone in China.

Moreover, during the best buying seasons in October, there will be many shows around Shenzhen simultaneously, such as Cantonfair (Guangzhou), Mega Show (HK) etc. It's well worth visiting all these shows on a trip.

What are the advantages of exhibiting at Gift and Home show?

As the largest Gift and Home show in china, meet face to face to build real relationships with more than 150,000 professional buyers from gifts distributors, agents, premium houses, department stores, retailers and large corporate end users to other key players from the industry in four days.

This is the opportunity during year end to showcase and business matching with new trends of products for upcoming year. Understand industry trends and build brand awareness at the best China market-entry platform.


What is the visitor profile?

Buyers are from gifts distributors, agents, premium houses, department stores, retailers and large corporate end users.

Lastly, can you give us some participation results from the last edition?

  • Over 2,000 exhibitors with more than 5,000 booths
  • 110,000 sqm of exhibition area covered
  • Over 150,000 visits from 67 countries and regions in 4 days