China Guangzhou International Iron Art Fair - IAF: the trade show
China is the purchasing center of global iron products, and Foshan is the largest production base of iron art products with 600 iron art and related enterprises which produce splendid and high quality iron art products for buyers all around the world. It only takes about 1 hour from Foshan to Guangzhou. We can see that Guangzhou International Iron Art Fair will be the best platform for you to meet the plentiful and high quality suppliers.
With the development of times, decoration art and materials are constantly changing and improving, various kinds of decorative style coming along, and retro iron art becomes a new fashion. The new ideas and vitality was infused into the iron art which has considered as a traditional art decorative style, and it was widely used in the interior and exterior decoration, furniture decoration and environment decoration. With the significant characters of distinct features, plain style, simplicity, economical and practical, iron art has occupied an important position in modern decoration. Do you want to find more wonderful products on our show? We believe it won’t let you disappointed!
Exhibition Scope Iron construction decoration: door, ornamental work of iron-handle, window, fence, Handrail, stair, cover, swing, chain rod, sculpture Iron art; screen, photo frame, windbell, basketmurals, watch, candlestick, birdcage, letter box, toy, wedding supply Iron furniture: chairs, tables, kitchen ware, tea table, sofa, bar counter, cabinet, bed Iron lamp; road lamp, garden lamp, landscape lamp, lawn lamp, pole lamp Iron bracket; newspaper and magazine rack, signboard, shoe rack, flower rack, pen rack, tool holder, wine rack, coat and hat rack, tower rack Iron device: embossing machine, twist machine, making machine, flower bending machine, bending machine, fishtail machine, metal maker machine, shearing gas welding machine tool