Calendar Bride Trade Shows in Spain

DeNuvis 2010
From to
Fira de Lleida
Lleida, Spain
Lleida, Spain
Bride, Wedding footwear, Event organization, Groomswear, Hairdressing, Wedding

De Boda Valladolid 2010
From to
Feria de Valladolid
Valladolid, Spain
Valladolid, Spain
Bride, Wedding footwear, Wedding dress, Event organization, Wedding fashion, Wedding

DeBlanco 2010
From to
FIMO, Feria Internacional de Muestras del Noroeste
Ferrol, Spain
Ferrol, Spain
Bride, Wedding footwear, Event organization, Groomswear, Wedding fashion, Wedding

Mil y Una Bodas 2010
From to
Ifema Feria de Madrid
Madrid, Spain
Madrid, Spain
Travel, Bride, Event organization, Groomswear, Wedding fashion, Wedding

Nuvibaix 2010
From to
Fira de Cornellà
Barcelona, Spain
Barcelona, Spain
Hotels, Bride, Event organization, Groomswear, Wedding fashion, Wedding

Fira Nuvis Catalunya Central 2010
From to
Parc de l'Estació del Nord
Barcelona, Spain
Barcelona, Spain
Travel, Photography, Bride, Groomswear, Wedding fashion, Leisure

Jaén de Boda 2010
From to
IFEJA Ferias Jaén
Jaen, Spain
Jaen, Spain
Hotels, Travel, Bride, Wedding fashion, Events, Leisure, Wedding

Belmoda, Salón Andaluz de la Boda y la Comunión en Granada 2010
From to
FERMASA. Feria de Muestras de Armilla, S.A.
Granada, Spain
Granada, Spain
Travel, Photography, Bride, Jewels, Wedding fashion, Leisure

Mérida de Bodas y Hogar 2010
Mérida, Spain
From to
Mérida, Spain
Bride, Jewels, Groomswear, Wedding fashion, Events, Leisure, Wedding

Sevilla de Boda 2009
From to
FIBES - Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos de Sevilla
Seville, Spain
Seville, Spain
Advertising gifts, Clothes, Clocks & watches, Bride, Wedding footwear, Event organization, Groomswear, Wedding fashion, Party, Craft, Jewellery, Wedding

Tot Nuvis Girona 2009
Sabadell, Spain
From to
Sabadell, Spain
Clothes, Photography, Bride, Wedding footwear, Groomswear, Wedding fashion, Wedding

Detiqueta 2009
From to
Feria de Asturias, Palacio Congresos Luis Adaro
Gijon, Spain
Gijon, Spain
Hotels, Bride, Event organization, Groomswear, Wedding fashion, Jewellery, Fashion, Footwear, Mice, Wedding

Tot Nuvis Reus 2009
From to
Reus, Spain
Reus, Spain
Consumer goods, Hotels, Bride, Groomswear, Wedding fashion, Hairdressing, Wedding

Sevilla de Boda 2008
From to
FIBES - Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos de Sevilla
Seville, Spain
Seville, Spain
Advertising gifts, Clothes, Clocks & watches, Bride, Wedding footwear, Event organization, Groomswear, Wedding fashion, Party, Craft, Jewellery, Wedding

Tot Nuvis Girona 2008
Sabadell, Spain
From to
Sabadell, Spain
Clothes, Photography, Bride, Wedding footwear, Groomswear, Wedding fashion, Wedding